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How to make a color fill

Click into objects, in the top left hand side, this will pull down a menu

rectangle 2 color.PNG

Once the menu is out, click on properties 

this will put a new section on the right side of your screen

rectangle 4 color.PNG

This is how you get to you color sliders

rectangle 5 color.PNG

This is how you get to you color pallette 

Click here to get the fill tool

rectangle 3 color.PNG

Select this, if it isn't already, this will make a flat color


This is where you can type in your CMY code

This is your color selector 

This is where it will show up

rectangle 3.PNG

Select your shape by clicking on the empty space inside the closed shape

rectangle 6 color.PNG

It should look like this if it has no previse color

your closed shape will fill with color and look something like this

click on this icon 

this will fill your shape with whatever color is currently selected

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