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Camron earth
ordered by Ryder


I used the text tool to make a text box

text box.PNG

I pull down

the font menu


 select my font to best fit my design

font menu_edited.jpg

right click the text box and select convert to curves

convert to curves.PNG

this will turn on the control points and allow you to move the text like a curve

converted curves.PNG

I move and contort the text to fit my design and change the color

empty cam.PNG


earth made separately 


Select your letters, go into properties and click the fill tool

f fill.PNG


Select fountain fill and choose your colors


How I fountain filled the shape  



How I made and filled the shape  

I use this tool to create individual shapes for each part that i want to be a different color

Each shape

is individual 

shape 1.PNG
full shape.PNG

select your closed shape and fill with your chosen color

fill shape.PNG

repeat with every closed shape 

How i made the cut outline


select your line and enter properties

open the little triangle and select 1.00 pt


change the line to a hairline


Right click the CutContour color in the RolandVersaworks pallet


select your thickened line and go to objects 

select shaping and boundary

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